Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vinegar in Your Laundry

Many people already know that white vinegar in a little bowl will remove odors of smoke, mold or mustiness. You can place a container in the closet on the floor or shelf if those unpleasant odors happen to be permeating your clothing and things. What many people are not aware of is putting white vinegar in your wash water at the beginning of a laundry load will soften and FRESHEN the items being laundered. The scent of vinegar disappears by the end of the wash cycle and everything in the wash will smell very clean. You don't need much vinegar: a half cup is a gracious plenty, a full cup is nearly too much. Make sure you add your usual detergent, too.  Forgetting that will make you think I give bad advice!

White vinegar is helpful if your clothes are full of a stubborn smells like permanent smoke scent.  Oh, and if you've ever forgotten your laundry by leaving it in the washer too long and it goes sour the white vinegar solves that problem too.  It's also great for pet smells and pet bedding and stuff like that, and for washing linens anytime.

They say commercial fabric softeners can create a coating on cotton fabrics, causing them to lose their absorbency, which is the last thing you want to happen to your towels.  The white vinegar will help the towels and sheets stay soft and fluffy without the negative side effects. One last word of caution-- vinegar may permanently set in stains so don't use it if you have stains you're trying to get out.

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